We offer a handpicked selection of cycling tours, trekking tours, horseback riding tours, nature and wildlife watching tours as well as less active options that include family tours, day trips and jeep travels that immerse you in the nomadic culture. These are all inclusive packages that include your principal needs such as accommodation, meals, domestic travel and guiding services as well as equipments for the various activities involved: camping, biking and horse riding. Any of these tour itineraries can be adapted to suit your preferences or we will happily come up with a tailored tour as we still enjoy creating new itineraries. 10 years of experience counts, so our pool of creative ideas is unlimited. Just tell us what you need!
Why Choose Us?
Sharing breeders’ daily life and discovering the unique way of life of Mongolian nomads.
Horse riding in the huge steppes of Mongolia with Mongolian horsemen, and discovering a country in which horses are in the centre of the culture.
Trekking in the high mountains of Altai, in the area of the world that is the farthest from the oceans, where Kazakh falconers live.
Meeting Dukhans, the traditional reindeer breeder ethnic minority living in the darkest depths of taiga, in the extreme North of the country.
Crossing the Gobi, a legendary desert with lunar landscapes, where you’ll discover breathtaking rocky formations, frozen canyons and sand dunes.
Discovering spirituality of Mongolians, between Buddhism and shamanism, a long-lasting culture that has been coming alive again since the fall of communism.
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ROAD FC-ын хүнд тулаанд манай тамирчин Х.Амартүвшин өрсөлдөгчийнхөө тархийг
https://www.facebook.com/590847671116338/videos/734253553442415/ ROAD FC-ын хүнд тулаанд манай тамирчин Х.Амартүвшин өрсөлдөгчийнхөө тархийг газар савтал нам цохин унагаж ялалт байгууллаа. Ингэснээрээ шилдэг 8-д шалгарч байгаа юм. Энэ бичлэгийг
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